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Monday, August 30, 2010

Sending Flowers to Ukraine – Cultural Considerations

Located in the sunny southwest corner of Europe, Ukraine enjoys beautiful weather and tremendous biodiversity. The Ukrainian wilderness features approximately 30 thousand kinds of vegetation including many fragrant Ukraine flowers.

Between the gorgeous scenery and the warm weather, it is easy to understand why Ukrainian society has a close relationship with nature. Flowers and blooming plants are very popular household items and gifts. Flowers are often used to thank or express admiration, as well as to celebrate name days (the birth date attributed to the saint an individual was named after), birthdays, holidays and special events. The most popular flowers for gift giving and holidays include roses, chamomile flowers, azaleas, orchids, lilies, irises, dipsacus, rhododendrons, daisies, chrysanthemums and carnations.

If you are planning to send flowers to Ukraine, it is important to be familiar with the relevant Ukrainian customs and traditions. It is much easier and more affordable than ever to send flowers to Ukraine. Ukraine Gift Delivery, which is currently offering all flower deliveries to Ukraine at a 20% discount, sources all their flowers from native Ukrainian florists, ensuring fresh, locally appreciated flowers. But before you select the bouquet, below is a list of important cultural information that will help you select the best gift for the occasion and make certain the gift recipient understands your intent.

Ukrainian Generosity: Gifts need not be expensive, but it is important to understand that generosity is a valued cultural trait.

Ukrainians are well known for being generous and hospitable. Food is central to Ukrainian social events. Visitors are always offered food and drink and it is extremely rude to eat in front of another person without offering to share. Keep this generosity in mind when selecting a gift. Ukraine Gift Delivery has fantastic Ukrainian gift baskets, including food and wine options that are hand selected by native Ukrainians. These are wonderful additions to your flowers and will show a deep spirit of generosity that is greatly admired in Ukrainian culture.

Honor Superstitions: Flowers should only be given in odd numbers and avoid giving yellow Ukraine flowers unless you have a special meaning for the bouquet.

Derived from folk wisdom in rural communities, superstitions are important to Ukrainian culture. While both highly educated and logical as a whole, Ukrainians also adhere to cultural superstitions as a rule so that they do not tempt fate. Dismissing superstitions – or worse – mocking them can be perceived as disrespectful or rude. Avoid doing or saying anything that is associated with causing harm. Thankfully, at Ukraine Gift Delivery your gifts will be filtered by individuals with a native understanding of Ukrainian culture, helping to eliminate any accidental cultural faux pas.

Expressing Emotions: Be sincere, warm and open in your gift’s message.

Ukrainian communication is emotionally honest in a way that some Americans might perceive as surprisingly forward or blunt. To fit with Ukrainian culture, an appropriate gift message should be warm and kind, rather than cold or overtly formal. Ukraine Gift Delivery will translate your message for free, which guarantees that nothing will be lost in translation.

Naming Conventions: Every culture has a specific approach for addressing one another. The following applies to Ukrainian names.

Ukrainian names are comprised of a:

  • A first or given name.
  • A patronymic middle name which is based on or a version of the father’s first name. The father’s name is modified with "-vich" or "-ovich" for men and "-avna", "-ovna", or "ivna" for women. For example, the son of Alexi’s middle name would be Alexivich while his daughter would be Alexivina.
  • A family or surname.
In formal situations, you use all three names together, while friends simply use first names and patronymic.

In a professional environment, academic and professional titles are commonly coupled with the family name. If your work associate does not have a professional title use the honorific "Pan" for men or "Pani" for women, coupled with their family name. (When using someone's complete name, including the patronymic, do not include the honorific title.)

Flowers are a safe bet in nearly all Ukrainian celebrations and occasions. If you adhere to these cultural principals, your Ukrainian recipient will surely be pleased with their gift and with the help of Ukraine Gift delivery, you can make sure your gift and message are perfect!


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